9 Ringwood Rd, Totton, SO40 8DA
Call Us023 8086 1166


9 Ringwood Rd, Totton,
SO40 8DA
023 8086 1166

get in touch

Send Us a Message
We are here to listen:

to your ideas, requests and opinion. We also understand that exchange of information between you and staff members is essential to provide continuity between home and nursery.

Our team is fully dedicated to build a strong partnership with you.
If you are interested in registering with us you could:

call us on 023 8086 1166 or

download our Registration Form from our Useful Documents page and send it back either via e-mail to info@funboxdaynursery.co.uk or

via post to 9 Ringwood Road, Totton, SO40 8DA or

just pop in.

Coming Soon:

Our website will feature a Parent Portal which connects directly to our Management Software ensures the easy flow of information. Here you can:
- leave messages directly to the manager,
– book extra hours online
– or even let us know if there is a change in your child’s personal details or medical or dietary needs.

If you feel that the best way is to discuss things in person, our door is always open; just pop in and have a chat with us. You are our priority.